1 tim 41 minSerbiskDramaVida (Nataša Ninkovic) i Bane (Sergej Trifunovic) su bracni par koji vec duže vreme živi u Stokholmu. Imaju uspešne karijere, dovoljno novca za pristojan život i psa, ali nemaju decu. Vida sumnja da Bane u Beogradu ima ljubavnicu, ali o tome cuti. Dolaze za praznike u Srbiju, gde se u poznatom okruženju odvija uigrana koreografija koja se mnogo puta ponovila u njihovim gastarbajterskim životima. Ovog Uskrsa se taj zid cutanja ruši.
Vida (Natasa Ninkovic) and Bane (Sergej Trifunovic) are a married couple who have lived in Stockholm for a long time. They have successful careers, enough money for a decent life and a dog, but they don´t have kids. Vida suspects that Bane has a mistress in Belgrade, but he is silent about it. They come for holidays to Serbia, where in the familiar surroundings there is a playful choreography that has been repeated many times in their gastarbeiter´s lives. This Easter, that wall of silence breaks down.
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Vida (Nataša Ninkovic) i Bane (Sergej Trifunovic) su bracni par koji vec duže vreme živi u Stokholmu. Imaju uspešne karijere, dovoljno novca za pristojan život i psa, ali nemaju decu. Vida sumnja da Bane u Beogradu ima ljubavnicu, ali o tome cuti. Dolaze za praznike u Srbiju, gde se u poznatom okruženju odvija uigrana koreografija koja se mnogo puta ponovila u njihovim gastarbajterskim životima. Ovog Uskrsa se taj zid cutanja ruši.
Vida (Natasa Ninkovic) and Bane (Sergej Trifunovic) are a married couple who have lived in Stockholm for a long time. They have successful careers, enough money for a decent life and a dog, but they don´t have kids. Vida suspects that Bane has a mistress in Belgrade, but he is silent about it. They come for holidays to Serbia, where in the familiar surroundings there is a playful choreography that has been repeated many times in their gastarbeiter´s lives. This Easter, that wall of silence breaks down.
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