Munje: Opet!
1 tim 35 minSerbiskKomedieProšle su godine, a kod Popa i Mareta sve je isto: nema devojaka, nema keša, nema ni doživljaja. Kao i uvek, ne razumeju se sa svetom i novom muzikom koja vlada.
Gojko cveta, kralj je Beca i uspešni muzicki producent. Upravo je izbacio novi hit pevacice Mile Sile. Medutim, deo pesme je “pozajmljen” od školskih drugara. Istovremeno velikodušni Gojko organizuje proslavu godišnjice mature u Becu jer velika vecina odeljenja živi po svetu. Zna se ko jedini nije pozvan! Stare rane se ne zaboravljaju.
Pop i Mare, bledi kao krec, moraju u Bec. Na putu ce sresti mlade šampione hemije i razne koloritne osobe/spodobe, medu kojima i bivšu razrednu Smilju Torturu.
Neka avantura pocne, opet!
Years have passed, but Pop and Mare are still the same: no girls, no cash, no new adventures. As always, they don't understand the world and the new music that dominates it.
Gojko is thriving, he is the "king" of Vienna and a successful music producer. He has just released a new hit song for singer Mila Sila. However, part of the song was "borrowed" from his old classmates Pop and Mare. At the same time, generous Gojko is organizing a high school reunion party in the Austrian capital, as the majority of the class is scattered around the world. Only two persons are not invited - and it's no secret who they are. Old wounds don't heal easily.
Pop and Mare now must go to Vienna. On their journey, they will meet young chemistry champions and various colorful characters, including their former teacher, Smilja Tortura.
Let the adventure begin, again!Originaltittel
Munje: Opet!
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Prošle su godine, a kod Popa i Mareta sve je isto: nema devojaka, nema keša, nema ni doživljaja. Kao i uvek, ne razumeju se sa svetom i novom muzikom koja vlada.
Gojko cveta, kralj je Beca i uspešni muzicki producent. Upravo je izbacio novi hit pevacice Mile Sile. Medutim, deo pesme je “pozajmljen” od školskih drugara. Istovremeno velikodušni Gojko organizuje proslavu godišnjice mature u Becu jer velika vecina odeljenja živi po svetu. Zna se ko jedini nije pozvan! Stare rane se ne zaboravljaju.
Pop i Mare, bledi kao krec, moraju u Bec. Na putu ce sresti mlade šampione hemije i razne koloritne osobe/spodobe, medu kojima i bivšu razrednu Smilju Torturu.
Neka avantura pocne, opet!
Years have passed, but Pop and Mare are still the same: no girls, no cash, no new adventures. As always, they don't understand the world and the new music that dominates it.
Gojko is thriving, he is the "king" of Vienna and a successful music producer. He has just released a new hit song for singer Mila Sila. However, part of the song was "borrowed" from his old classmates Pop and Mare. At the same time, generous Gojko is organizing a high school reunion party in the Austrian capital, as the majority of the class is scattered around the world. Only two persons are not invited - and it's no secret who they are. Old wounds don't heal easily.
Pop and Mare now must go to Vienna. On their journey, they will meet young chemistry champions and various colorful characters, including their former teacher, Smilja Tortura.
Let the adventure begin, again!Originaltittel
Munje: Opet!
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