Savas, Svetimas, Mylimas
1 tim 34 minLitauiskDramaRomantikkIt is a story about one of the most common crises of our times - divorce. The plot of the film revolves around the protagonist Ugne, a mother of two, who is abandoned by her husband Ignas after 15 years of living together. Ignas is about to marry the architect who designed their home, while Ugne is drowning in sadness and self-doubt. Besides this, she loses her job, as Ugne works in an advertising agency, writing slogans that need optimism and light, not the depressing marasmus of a divorced woman.
Ugne shares her pain with her psychotherapist and closest people - her mother, her sister Liepa and their childhood best friend, Rytis. They all have different opinions on how Ugne can move on from the grieving stage and go on with her life.
Seeing her sister sinking into depression, Liepa offers her a mystical, unheard-of crisis management programme. During this several months programme, a person who has already successfully "recovered" from divorce is mentoring Ugne. There is only one condition – they are not allowed to meet. The treatment is working well for Ugne, but something unforeseen happens. She falls in love with her mentor. Now her goal is to find out - who is he?Tai istorija apie viena dažniausiu šiu dienu kriziu – skyrybas. Filmo siužetas sukasi apie pagrindine heroje Ugne – dvieju vaiku mama, kuria po penkiolikos metu bendro gyvenimo metu palieka vyras. Ignas ruošiasi vesti ju namus kurusia architekte, tuo tarpu Ugne – skendi liudesyje ir savigraužoje. Negana to, ji netenka darbo, mat Ugne dirba reklamos agenturoje, rašo tekstus reklaminiams šukiams, kuriems reikia optimizmo ir šviesos, o ne depresijos kupinu išsiskyrusios moters marazmu.
Skausmu Ugne dalinasi su psichoterapeute ir artimiausiais žmonemis – mama, seserimi Liepa ir geriausiu judvieju vaikystes draugu Ryciu. Visu nuomones, kaip Ugnei išlipti iš gedejimo stadijos ir gyventi toliau yra skirtingos.
Matydama sesers grimzdima i depresijos liuna, Liepa pasiulo jai mistiška, niekur negirdeta kriziu valdymo programa. Programos esme – Ugne imasi kuruoti jau sekmingai nuo skyrybu „išgijes" žmogus, mentorius, su kuriuo ji privalo bendrauti keleta menesiu. Vienintele salyga – jiems draudžiama susitikti. Gydymas Ugnei puikiai padeda, taciau nutinka nenumatytas dalykas. Ji isimyli savo pagalbininka. Dabar jos tikslas išsiaiškinti – kas jis?Originaltittel
Savas, Svetimas, Mylimas
Alle som ser filmen må ha fylt 18 år. Husk gyldig legitimasjon.
It is a story about one of the most common crises of our times - divorce. The plot of the film revolves around the protagonist Ugne, a mother of two, who is abandoned by her husband Ignas after 15 years of living together. Ignas is about to marry the architect who designed their home, while Ugne is drowning in sadness and self-doubt. Besides this, she loses her job, as Ugne works in an advertising agency, writing slogans that need optimism and light, not the depressing marasmus of a divorced woman.
Ugne shares her pain with her psychotherapist and closest people - her mother, her sister Liepa and their childhood best friend, Rytis. They all have different opinions on how Ugne can move on from the grieving stage and go on with her life.
Seeing her sister sinking into depression, Liepa offers her a mystical, unheard-of crisis management programme. During this several months programme, a person who has already successfully "recovered" from divorce is mentoring Ugne. There is only one condition – they are not allowed to meet. The treatment is working well for Ugne, but something unforeseen happens. She falls in love with her mentor. Now her goal is to find out - who is he?Tai istorija apie viena dažniausiu šiu dienu kriziu – skyrybas. Filmo siužetas sukasi apie pagrindine heroje Ugne – dvieju vaiku mama, kuria po penkiolikos metu bendro gyvenimo metu palieka vyras. Ignas ruošiasi vesti ju namus kurusia architekte, tuo tarpu Ugne – skendi liudesyje ir savigraužoje. Negana to, ji netenka darbo, mat Ugne dirba reklamos agenturoje, rašo tekstus reklaminiams šukiams, kuriems reikia optimizmo ir šviesos, o ne depresijos kupinu išsiskyrusios moters marazmu.
Skausmu Ugne dalinasi su psichoterapeute ir artimiausiais žmonemis – mama, seserimi Liepa ir geriausiu judvieju vaikystes draugu Ryciu. Visu nuomones, kaip Ugnei išlipti iš gedejimo stadijos ir gyventi toliau yra skirtingos.
Matydama sesers grimzdima i depresijos liuna, Liepa pasiulo jai mistiška, niekur negirdeta kriziu valdymo programa. Programos esme – Ugne imasi kuruoti jau sekmingai nuo skyrybu „išgijes" žmogus, mentorius, su kuriuo ji privalo bendrauti keleta menesiu. Vienintele salyga – jiems draudžiama susitikti. Gydymas Ugnei puikiai padeda, taciau nutinka nenumatytas dalykas. Ji isimyli savo pagalbininka. Dabar jos tikslas išsiaiškinti – kas jis?Originaltittel
Savas, Svetimas, Mylimas
Alle som ser filmen må ha fylt 18 år. Husk gyldig legitimasjon.
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