• Toma

    2 tim 20 min

    Film “TOMA” je jedan impresionisticki portret Tome Zdravkovica koji prikazuje same njegove pocetke, baškao i vrhunac slave, njegove ljubavi koje su ga inspirisale prilikom komponovanja nekih od najvecih hitova, baš kao i odnos sa velikim brojem prijatelja koje je imao u umetickom miljeu tadašnje Jugoslavije. Pored Tome, kroz film cemo pratiti i živote poznatih umetnika tog vremena: Zorana Radmilovica, Mike Antica, Tozovca i drugih. “TOMA” je biografski film o Tomi Zdravkovicu, coveku koga ne pamtimo samo po njegovim pesmama i nacinu na koji ih je pevao, vec i kao jednog velikog boema - po ponašanju i u duši. Film prati dve linije radnje: 1991. pratimo odnos Tome i doktora koji zapocinje lecenje Tome i kako se to poznastvo pretvara u prijateljstvo. Druga linija prati Tomin život: od detinjstva u Pecenejvicma, preko poznanstva sa Silvanom Armenulic koje ce presudno uticati na njegovu karijeru ali i na privatni život, dostizanja neslucene visine popularnosti, ali i dna života. Ovo je prica o duši.

    The film “Toma” is an impressionistic portrait of the famous singer Toma Zdravkovic, which shows his beginnings, but also the high points of his fame, as well as his great loves, which have inspired him to write some of his greatest hits, as well as the friendships he had with many participants of the artistic scene of former Yugoslavia. In addition to Toma, the film also shows the lives of famous artists of the time - Zoran Radmilovic, Mika Antic, Predrag Živkovic Tozovac and others. “Toma” is a biographical film about Toma Zdravkovic, whom we remember not only for his songs and the way he performed them, but also because he was a great Bohemian - inside and out. The film follows two timelines - 1991 and the relationship between Toma and his doctor who becomes a friend, and on the other line his career - from childhood in Pecenjevci, through the acquaintance with Silvana Armenulic, which was a crucial part of his career and life, to incredible heights of fame and deepest abysses of life. This is a film about the soul.








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